Inspiring confidence: in conversation with Charlotte Groeneveld

Welcome to our Inspiring Confidence series, where we delve into personal interviews with influential Varley women. By focusing on instilling quiet confidence, we uncover their unique journeys, experiences, and insights, celebrating the remarkable perspectives of women who inspire us.







We invited fashion influencer and stylist, Charlotte Groeneveld @thefashionguitar, to join us at our New York showroom on Fifth Avenue to discuss her career journey, personal milestones, and love for the city.




Q: How did you get into blogging? 

It all started around 12 years ago, when the very first fashion “bloggers” became big - Le Blog de Betty from Paris is my earliest memory of a fashion blogger, as well as Chiara who later became a friend through the industry. I knew my way around WordPress, have ALWAYS been obsessed with fashion, and did photography from a very early age, so it was kind of a perfect storm where everything turned into “” which became a daily blog about fashion, trends, my looks, shows, events etc. I lived in London at the time - when Cara was signing Burberry, which was my fashion event, and first fashion show - but zero connections or experience, so I just blogged and blogged. Every single day after work, weekends, I was fully dedicated and exploring this “new” industry figuring out how to make my mark. Until today this is the case. In an ever-changing environment you have to. I think it will never become less exciting to me, I simply love what I created and it’s something I am so proud of!









Q: What was the turning point in your career?


I think there was a huge turning point when we moved to NYC in 2014. Suddenly I entered a market where brands LOVED to work with bloggers/influencers. In Europe it was still very much something not to be taken seriously, and being a European girl in New York had its advantages. This was the moment I started working with the biggest luxury houses of the world. Dreams became true!









Q: You have always been very open about your struggles with fertility. How has it shaped your life, and do you share your story to inspire others?


I felt when I opened up about it to my friends, it actually made me feel so much better. There are SO MANY women going through this and it is VERY hard to deal with, infertility, secondary infertility, IVF, miscarriages, everything had been a taboo, just expecting women to deal with it by themselves. Like wow seriously?! I wasn’t going to add to that. To share is to help others and yourself. It was the best thing I decided and till this day, women send me messages sharing photos of their IVF babies, thanking me for sharing my story, which helped them in some way on their own path. It is my biggest accomplishment.









Q: What do you love most about what you do?


Working with beautiful products, and people, the travel, and the freedom.

 Q: How would you define your style?


It has obviously changed over time. I don’t think I can pin myself down to certain styles or ways of dressing, but it’s always been quality over quantity. Investment pieces, not fashion. Luxury has always been my focus.




“I don’t think I can pin myself down to certain styles or ways of dressing, but it’s always been quality over quantity.”




Q: What key pieces are you looking forward to wearing this winter?


Sherpa, shearling, and oversized jeans with big knits.



 Q: What is your favourite thing about living in New York?


The energy. I never feel alone. The access to almost anything at any time.









Five quick-fire questions:

1. Favourite street/place in New York? UES (Upper East Side)

2. Go-to coffee shop in the city? Starbucks - don’t judge but
the iced shaken brown sugar oat espresso is just the best.

3. What are you reading/watching right now? The Crown

4. Museum or art gallery? Museum

5. Trademark fashion piece? Baggy jeans!



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